Groundwater Occurrence at, and Advanced Dewatering of, a Geologically Complex Orebody at the Iron Ore Company of Canada Open Pit Mine in Subarctic Labrador Canada
Patrick Moran
In the proceedings of GeoSt. John's 2019: 72nd Canadian Geotechnical ConferenceSession: Mining
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Patrick Moran (2019) Groundwater Occurrence at, and Advanced Dewatering of, a Geologically Complex Orebody at the Iron Ore Company of Canada Open Pit Mine in Subarctic Labrador Canada in GEO2019. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.
@article{Geo2019Paper423,author = Patrick Moran,title = Groundwater Occurrence at, and Advanced Dewatering of, a Geologically Complex Orebody at the Iron Ore Company of Canada Open Pit Mine in Subarctic Labrador Canada,year = 2019}